Traffic analysis for Fosen

Norconsult has made a traffic analysis for the project

The year 2022 is used as the calculation year

The measures of the project mean that most of the population at Fosen will be able to reach Trondheim in less than an hour.

-The calculations indicate larger changes in traffic than we have assumed so far. It strengthen the funding base for the project, says Olav Ellevset (CEO Fosenbrua AS).

Read report:
Fosenbrua AS – Traffic analysis and potential effects of the project, Norconsult (Sindre Blindheim February 2017)


Rekkevidde Trondheim - Fosen


Illustration showing distance ranges in minutes by car, from today’s situation (left) to new situation (right) where all the measures are realized. Starting from Trondheim city center, with different intervals in minutes.